Cox Elementary School News
Join us for our Paint & Sip Spring Input & GMAS Night on April 10, from 5-6:30pm.
Summer is a great time to go on an adventure, meet new friends, or do something you've ...
It is time to mark your calendars for our Spring Fling on Thursday, March 27th from 5-7...
Dress Up DaysMonday – Green Eggs and Ham (Wear green)Tuesday – Oh the Places You Will G...
Join us on March 4th at 11am for our 4th Grade Spring Lunch. Menu as follows: Roasted c...
Join us for our Lunch & Learn/Literacy meeting on February 14th at 11am!
Our 3rd-5th grade Valentine's Dance will be on February 13 from 5-7pm! Tickets will be ...
PreK-2 Valentine's Sock Hop will be on February 13 during their rotations time. Price p...
Get your smiles ready for Class Picture Day on February 5th!
Join us on Tuesday, February 4th for our Dairy Queen & Freckles Night! Dairy ...
PreK & 3rd Grade only: Join us for our Valentine's Lunch on February 14 at 11am! Co...
You can now order your 2024-2025 Yearbook! Use the link below and order before March 28...
Join us for our Lunch & Learn/Literacy meeting on January 23rd at 11am!
Join us on Friday, January 17th for our Snow Day! There will be cookies and hot chocola...
Pre-K only: Join us for our Winter Lunch on January 23rd at 11am. Menu: Roasted Chicken...
Join us for Elementary School Night on Friday at CCHS Gymnasium! Wear black to show you...
Release Times:Vereen | 10:45 amGEAR | 11:05 amElementary Schools | 11:30 amAchievement ...
5th Grade only: Join us on Tuesday, December 10th at 11am for our Christmas Lunch. Lunc...
Our school Christmas Party will be on December 18th! For only $5 per student, each Cox ...
Happy Thanksgiving to our wonderful students, families, staff, and community! As w...
Kindergarten only: Join us on Thursday, Nov. 14 for our Thanksgiving Lunch at 11am. Cos...
Join us as we dress up to celebrate Homecoming Week:Messy Monday- PajamasTeam Tuesday- ...
Join us for a live presentation of the Chehaw Zoo Animals on November 21st from 5-6pm!
Our 4th and 5th graders will have the chance to attend an unforgettable two-day adventu...
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