
Course Registration

Parents and Guardians,

Students are bringing home a CCHS Elective Course List and Instructions for registering for next fall. They also have a copy of this information in their student emails with updated instructions, the elective list, and a CTAE Pathway guide. Elective registration will be open this week only. 

Please note: Students may NOT register for math, science, language arts, history or foreign language at this time. Teachers will register students for those classes. Students will only register for the classes listed on the elective sheet.  Pathway courses may only be taken in the order listed in the guide.  Students may NOT register for Dual Enrollment at this time. 

Students and guardians are encouraged to attend the Registration meetings being held this week at 6:00pm at CCHS on Tuesday for rising 9th graders and Thursday for rising 10th graders. All students will meet with their CCHS counselor between February 10th and 21st to ask any questions they may have. You may also reach out to the CCHS counselors with any questions via email. Dual Enrollment may be an option for rising 10th graders, but they will have to meet with a CCHS counselor to register for those classes.

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