federal programs
Our mission is to provide leadership, information, and resources necessary to ensure that all children have the opportunity to obtain a high quality education and to achieve proficiency on high academic standards.
For more information, the Georgia Depatment of Education Federal Programs site.
The following federal programs are administered through the Colquitt County School District Federal Programs Department:
- Title I, Part A: Improving Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged, Academic Achievement Awards, Foster Care Program, and Family-School Partnership Program
- Title I, Part A: Parent and Family Engagement
- Title 1, Part C: Education of Migratory Children
- Title II, Part A: Supporting Effective Instruction
- Title III, Part A: Language Instruction for English Learners and Immigrant Students
- Title IV, Part A: Student Support and Academic Enrichment
- Title V, Part B: Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP)
- Title IX, Part A: McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
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