access / Assistive Technology
Assistive technology REQUEST FORM
Please contact Nina Price for more information on Assistive Technology or a possible Assistive Technology evaluation.
Considering Assistive technology in the IEP
When is Assistive Technology considered?
Assistive Technology is considered in all IEP and amendment meetings. It is also considered any time a student is struggling to complete his academics in the classroom or meet his IEP goals.
How do I know what Assistive Technology is appropriate?
Contact the Assistive Technology Coordinator for support.
What is Available?
Low tech (colored paper, pencil grips)
Middle Tech (calculators, recorders, AAC devices)
High Tech (computers, keyboards, AAC devices)
How do I get Assistive Technology?
Contact the Assistive Technology team.
Assistive Technology must be considered at every IEP meeting. If Assistive Technology is needed, progress monitoring must be completed on the goals. The Assistive Technology goal can be embedded in other academic, daily living, or transition goals.
AT Resource
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