
Colquitt County school district Special Olympics 

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Special Olympics of Colquitt County provides sports training and athletic competition throughout the year in a variety of Olympic-type sports for all children and adults with intellectual disabilities. We strive to provide continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy, and participate in the sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes, and the community.

Our goal is to help persons with intellectual disabilities, and their families, to know they are accepted, respected, and given the chance to become useful and productive citizens.  When we achieve this goal through our sports program, we demonstrate that Special Olympics has a unique value: to show the world that every person counts and that every person can be something good when we work together.
Colquitt County Special Olympics invests in people with intellectual disabilities, helping them to develop athletic skills, while also promoting the abilities of the athletes off the field through a variety of unique experiences.

When our athletes succeed, attitudes change, communities develop, health and self-esteem is built, and the eyes of the world are focused on all that is good and hopeful and positive.


Students that Qualify to participate in Special Olympics 
⦁    Autism
⦁    Intellectual Disabilities
⦁    Significant Developmental Delay 

Young Athletes
Young Athletes are children ages 2 1/2  to 7 years old and enrolled in Colquitt County schools at some level.  Young Athletes is an early introduction to sports and to the world of Special Olympics.  We will incorporate activities that will work on skills needed to later participate in the organized games. 

Unified Sports
Special Olympics Unified Sports is an initiative that combines approximately equal numbers of Special Olympics athletes and athletes without disabilities (called Partners) on sports teams for training and competition. Age and ability matching of athletes and Partners is defined on a sport-by-sport basis.

· Be a Coach 
· Serve on a local management team 
· Volunteer at our local games
· Be a Fan in the Stand 
PJ JONES (229) 891-4689 
MITCHELL MCKINNEY (229) 589-0174

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