
School District Single Rating Score from GOSA Goes Up

Governor's Office of Student Achievement Summative Score Information

Georgia General Assembly HB 1122 (Spring 2024) requires the Georgia Department of Education to annually calculate an aggregate performance rating (or "single score") for each public school and school system in conjunction with the Governor's Office of Student Achievement (GOSA)--allowing Georgia families to compare public schools and districts and track academic progress.  Previously, the GaDOE assigned a "single score" or numeric grade to schools through the state's College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI).  However, in recent school years, GaDOE was allowed to waive this requirement by the U.S. Department of Education. 

House Bill 1122 requires the performance ratings received from GOSA to be published on the Georgia Department of Education's website, the school system's website, and each school's website. 

The 2024 Colquitt County School District's single score rating increased 6.8% compared to 2023 to an overall percentage of 80%.  This increase mirrors Colquitt's CCRPI improvements at the school level, including:

The 2023-24 CCRPI Elementary Closing the Gaps rate has increased from 76.6% to 100% since 2018-19. 2024 was the second year in a row in which the score was 100%.  The 2023-24 Middle School Closing the Gaps rate rose to 100%, a 34.4% increase from the previous year, surpassing the 2018-2019 score of 79.7%.  The 2023-24 High School Closing the Gaps rate rose to 100%, a 59.3% increase from the previous year, surpassing the 2018-2019 score of 33.8%.

The 2023-24 percentage of students performing At or Above Reading Level in the CCRPI Elementary Readiness Category has increased 14.64% since 2022.  To an even greater degree, the 2023-24 percentage of middle school students performing At or Above Reading Level has increased 27.58% during the same three years.  The high school percentage has also increased by 10.93% since 2022.

The CCRPI Content Mastery score addresses whether students are achieving at the level necessary to be prepared for the next grade, college, or career and includes achievement scores in English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.  The 2024 Elementary Content Mastery score increased 6.7%, and the 2023-24 Middle School Content Mastery rate also increased 5.8% in 2024.  Similarly, the 2023-24 High School Content Mastery rate increased by 8.7% in 2024.  These three rates of change outpace normally expected levels of achievement.  2024 District and School are under "About Us" on the district's webpage.

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