
CCHS Health Science Pathway Earns Industry Certification

Image of students and teachers holding banner.

Colquitt County High School's Health Science Pathway has been awarded Industry Certification by the Georgia Department of Education. Industry Certification for a high school pathway is a collaboration between the state Department of Education, the local school, and the state-level business/industry association.  Dr. Chris Merritt, Principal, shared, “Such a certification is not merely an accolade; it is a testament to the dedication of our teachers, the quality of our state-of-the-art labs, and the rigorous standards we uphold.  Our Healthcare Science Pathway's certification approval reflects the high standards we set across our Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) offerings.”

When a program becomes industry-certified, it receives a "stamp of excellence, " representing the apex of program quality.  Health Science Pathway teacher Melissa Culpepper shared, "Industry certification is a rigorous process that takes months of planning and evaluation by the program and stakeholders.  We do this because it provides our students with the best instruction possible." Only those programs that have successfully undergone extensive reviews by leaders from business and industry are recognized with this distinction.  Students are ensured participation in a program that has been carefully interfaced with current industry standards, thus increasing their qualifications for successful employment.  The curriculum and the delivery method for that curriculum are improved and updated, enabling students to receive high-quality instruction.  Communities understand that schools that pursue this distinction are committed to improving student preparation and ensuring that Georgia's workforce meets the demands of the 21st century.

Chad Horne, Director of CTAE Programs, shared, “Our goal is to achieve Industry Certification across all CTAE programs.  Earning this recognition as a program of excellence instills a sense of pride in our students and is a testament to the skills they are learning to become work-ready.  A special acknowledgment goes to pathway teachers Melissa Culpepper, Shannon Jones, and Molly Jacobs for their outstanding efforts in expanding our Health Science pathways and successfully achieving Industry Certification.”

The CTAE program offers 12 career clusters with 28 pathways at the high school.  The high school has set a goal of having all CTAE programs industry-certified by the Georgia Department of Education.  In doing so, students will be more equipped with the skills and knowledge to be competitive in the workforce.  Industry-certified programs will undergo recertification every five years.  For more information on CTAE, please visit


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