Hamilton Elementary School News
Hat Creek Restoration-Stringfellow Elementary Principal, Brian Knighton, Brian Richey, ...
Mark your calendars for Steam Day on Wednesday, March 26th!
We would love to recognize our 1st-grade team for their outstanding MAP growth! They ex...
Summer is a great time to go on an adventure, meet new friends, or do something you've ...
It's time for s'more learning!Join us on Tuesday, March 4th from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m....
Celebrate reading with us at Hamilton with our book-themed dress-up days!Monday, March ...
Friday, February 21st is our Spring/Class Picture DayOrder online now!https://bpiphotog...
Front l to r Josie, Lena Grace, Jaxxon, MasonMid. l to r Kirklan, Mason, Andriana, Hart...
The best way to spread Christmas Cheer is by singing loud for all to hear (Buddy the El...
$10 per quart$38 per gallonGet ready for good eatin'!It's time for Hamilton's Brunswick...
Moultrie, Georgia – December 18, 2024 - The Georgia Department of Education (...
Join us for our Mid-Year Honors Celebration! Let’s come together to recognize our stude...
Release Times:Vereen | 10:45 amGEAR | 11:05 amElementary Schools | 11:30 amAchievement ...
The SGA is accepting pet food and supply donations through Tuesday, December 17th. Plea...
Front row L to RMagnolia, Josi, Feli, Marianna, Khristian, SarahBack row L to RLynlee, ...
Happy Thanksgiving to our wonderful students, families, staff, and community! As w...
Tuesday, December 3, 2024Make plans to attend at Hamilton Elementary from 5:00 p.m.-6:3...
Back L to R-Lam- Anh, Mason, Aubrey, Camden, and BJFront L to R-Able, Grace, Sophia, Ch...
Kanon and Aubrey
Congratulations to Jesse and Katie for being selected for the #readlikeapacker award!Pi...
Picture retakes will take place on Tuesday, October 29th.@hamiltonelementary
Join us on Monday, November 11th at 9:00 a.m. in the Hamilton gym.
Join us for Hamilton School's Fall Festival on November 4th from 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.Gam...
Congratulations to Kayla and Rachel for receiving #readlikeapacker awards!We are proud ...
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