Norman Park Elementary School News
Parents and students who will be entering the 6th grade are invited to attend an inform...
We are selling Cookie Dough to raise money for our school. All money should be tu...
Our Cookie Dough Fundraiser begins today! Look for a packet to come home in your child'...
Our Snow Day has been rescheduled to Wednesday, January 24th.
Norman Park Elementary is having a Veterans Day program on Friday, November 11th at 8:3...
Help us celebrate Red Ribbon Week by dressing a different way each day during the week ...
Congratulations to our Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Wendy Stuckey. Mrs. Wendy is a d...
Congratulations to Ms. Jennifer Key for being chosen as Norman Park's Teacher of th...
Norman Park students are selling raffle tickets for $5.00 each to raise money for our s...
Mark your calendars so you will be sure to join us for our Parent Involvement Meetings ...
Congratulations to Ms. Liz Huckaby for being chosen as our 2023 BRAVO winner! We ...
Congratulations to our very own Ms. Liz Huckaby for being chosen as the Colquitt County...
Parents... This is a great opportunity for you to get some ideas about how to...
Come support our 2 soccer teams as they play other schools at the Moultrie YMCA on Satu...
Thank you Ms. Kimberly for what you do for our students and families! We love and...
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