
About Us

J. M. Odom Elementary is a P-5 elementary school located in Moultrie, Ga that delivers an extraordinary educational experience. We provide a warm and inclusive culture where each child is known, their talents are valued and relationships flourish. Academic rigor, character-based leadership and attention to physical, social and emotional wellness allow us to provide opportunities that children cannot get anywhere else. You can learn details about how we do these things by exploring our website and checking out our social media page. However, nothing beats a personal visit. We welcome you to see for yourself all of the opportunities we offer at J. M. Odom Elementary. 

Contact Us

J. M. Odom Elementary School

2902 Sardis Church Road,
Moultrie, GA 31788
Phone (229) 324-3313 
Fax (229) 324-3317

School Improvement Plan

J. M. Odom Elementary School

Click here for the School Improvement Plan for Odom Elementary. 


Odom School Hours are 7:45 a.m - 2:35 p.m.

Please be sure to have your child at school every day. If you are bringing your child to school, you may drop off starting at 7:15 a.m.  Also, no student will be allowed to check-out after 2:00 p.m.

If there are any changes in how your child will go home, please send a written note for your child to turn in. This letter will be given to Mrs. Juana in the front office. If you forget to send a note, please give us a call at 229-324-3313 to inform us of any changes in the way your child normally goes home. Please do NOT send an email for this. Teachers often do not have the opportunity to check email until after dismissal proecdures. A letter and/or phone call is always the best route for any transportation changes. Thank you! 


Transportation Information/Safety 

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