
Field Day 3/27 & 3/28

Field Day Decorative

Field Day will be this Thursday and Friday.

Thursday will be for PreK-2nd grades 

Friday will be for grades 3rd-5th 

Please make sure your child has sunscreen on- we will be in the sun all day.  If you would like to send water with your child, please put his/her name on it with a permanent marker.  Everyone is permitted to wear hats.  The students must wear tennis shoes that fit because we will be doing many activities that require running and  moving fast! 

Stations will begin at 8:15.  Classes will break at 11:15 for lunch.  All classes will return at 1:00 to the field for Tug-o-War. 

Concessions will be available!

 Nachos/Corn cup $4 

Pickles $1.00 

Powerade $1 

Chips $1.00 

Assorted candies $2.00

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