About us
Welcome to J.R. Stringfellow Elementary School. We are located at 200 5th Avenue SW, Moultrie, GA 31768 in the heart of Moultrie. We serve students from PreK to Grade 5 and include Special Education classes both contained and inclusion . Our school can be contacted at (229) 890-6187. Our front desk is managed by our school clerk, Mrs. Lucy Peterson. Mrs. Peterson is available to take your calls and relay messages from 7:30 am until 3:30 pm Monday- Friday. Below is a list of our front office staff and contact information.
Lucy Peterson, Clerk
email: lucy.peterson@colquitt.k12.ga.us
Tammie Bell, Secretary
email: tammie.bell@colquitt.k12.ga.us
Brian Knighton, Principal
email: brian.knighton@colquitt.k12.ga.us
Tiffany Richey, Assistant Principal
email: tiffany.richie@colquitt.k12.ga.us
7:00 AM Students may enter cafeteria for breakfast and supervision.
7:00 -7:45 AM Breakfast is served. Students are supervised in the lunchroom and gym.
7:35 AM Warning bell rings, alerting everyone there is five minutes before announcements begin and five minutes before students are late to class.
7:40 AM Morning tardy bell rings. Morning announcements start. Students should be in class. Instruction begins. Students that report to school after 7:40 should report to the MAIN OFFICE for a tardy pass. Students that are already in on campus will not be counted tarty.
7:45 AM Instruction begins.
2:35 PM Students are dismissed for the day.
Students arriving to school after 7:40 am have to be signed in by an adult on the list in the system at the front desk.
Students leaving early must be signed out by someone on the list at the front desk. Students cannot be signed out after 2:00 pm
For students that are absent, a written excuse can be submitted to Mrs. Peterson at the front desk. If students forget ther can submit the excuse the next day to Mrs. Peterson or Mrs. Bowden, social worker.
Our Mission
To ensure that all students learn and excel at grade level or higher.
"Our zipcode does not define us."
I am a student seeking to be a scholar.
The standard is excellence, today and tomorrow.
I am disciplined, focused, and on -time.
I am organized, respectful, responsibe, and safe.
I am on a mission to elevate myself, my family, my community, and humanity!
Bee the Change!
Our Vision
Stringfellow Elementary School will provide a quality education to ensure that all students learn and grow to become empowered leaders
2024-2025 Stringfellow Collective Commitments
We are committed to consistently planning engaging and rigorous lessons where all students have opportunities to be successful.
We are committed to consistently collaborating with the goal to meet student needs through the alignment of instruction to our identified essential standards.
We are committed to using clear processes to monitor and analyze data.
We are committed to consistently providing resources and tools for students to learn together in a risk free, positive learning environment.
We are committed to referring to the 4 guiding questions when collaborating, sharing resources and brainstorming ideas to plan for student learning.
We are committed to having high expectations and using multiple data to inform instructional decisions to ensure student academic growth.
The purpose of the local school governance team is to be an integral part of the school system’s governance structure in pursuit of an equitable and excellent educational opportunity for every student. The establishment of the LSGT is intended to provide assistance to the Colquitt County Board of Education, the superintendent, and the school principal in developing and nurturing broad-based participation by the community and parents in the education of the children and youth who attend the school.
The LSGT will complement the board of education, superintendent, and principal in bringing the community and the school closer together in a spirit of cooperation. Support will be provided to the principal in addressing issues, improving student academic performance, providing support for teachers and students, and increasing parental engagement in their children’s education.
The board of education is constitutionally charged with the control and management of the school system and the principal is the school leader. Over time the LSGT will have opportunities to demonstrate its value to the school system and to the students served in the system, and its decision-making authority will likely increase to the extent that constitutional and statutory provisions will allow.
2024-2025 Local School Governance Team Memebers
Brian Knighton-Principal
Tylisha Hill-Parent
Shakeya Shine-Parent
Taylor Baggett-Teacher/Chairperson
Shaneshia Milton- Teacher/Vice-Chairperson
Tiffany Richey- Leadership/Secretary
Joel Jenkins- Community Member
Kristoff Cohran- Business Member
2024-2025 Local School Governance Meetings will be held at 12:00.
Proposed meeting dates, all to be held at NOON
1. August 27th
2. September 24th
3. October 29th
4. January 28th
5. February 25th
6. March 25th
2024-2025 Local School Governance Meetings
August 2024
September 2024
October 2024
Students at Stringfellow Elementary are taught and modeled how to
Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Safe!
(Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports)
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