Car Drop-Off & Pick-up

Morning Drop-off
1. Timing:
- Drop-off starts at 7:05 AM and ends at 7:40 AM.
2: Procedure:
- Enter: Cars enter the drop-off line from Peachtree St on the east end of the school by the ball field.
- Follow: Follow the designated path to a staff member on the sidewalk.
- Stop: Stop at the designated drop-off zone, indicated by a staff member.
- Unload: Students should exit the car quickly and safely from the passenger side only.
- Move: Once your child is safely on the sidewalk, promptly move forward to keep the line moving.
- Exit: Continue on to exit the parking lot onto N Broad St.
3. Safety Tips:
- Do not park or leave your car unattended in the drop-off lane.
- Obey all traffic signs and staff instructions.
- Ensure children are ready to exit with all their belongings.
Afternoon Pick-up
1. Timing:
- Pick-up starts at 2:35 PM and ends at 2:45 PM.
2. Procedure:
- Enter: Cars enter the pick-up line on N Broad St. Please do not come down Peachtree St to enter the line.
- Follow: Follow the designated path to the staff member standing at the east entrance of the school parking lot.
- Stop: Stop at the designated pick-up zone, indicated by a staff member.
- Load: Students will be escorted to the car by staff. Ensure they enter from the drivers side.
- Move: Once your child is safely in the car, promptly move forward to keep the line moving.
- Exit: Continue to exit onto Peachtree St on the east end of the school.
3. Safety Tips:
- Do not park or leave your car unattended in the pick-up lane.
- Obey all traffic signs and staff instructions.
- Please be reminded that we are a tobacco free campus which includes the parent pick-up line.
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