
PTO Minutes

Doerun Elementary School
Regular LSGT Meeting
Oct. 13, 2022

On October 13, 2022, the Doerun Elementary Local School Governance Team was called to order for a regular meeting with the pledge and an invocation.

The meeting agenda was presented and approved.

The minutes from the previous meeting were read and approved. 

Items from the audience:

Mrs. Kati wanted to add to the agenda to address member attendance.

Mr. Dalton offered to support the school with a fundraiser at Dalton’s restaurant in Moultrie. Also Mr. Dalton requested that students can sell pork chop plate tickets. He requested that it be announced in the PTO meeting that plates can be picked up in Doerun, at Dalton’s, or eaten dine-in the cafeteria. Parent volunteers or faculty can help plate the food. He requested that it be done for the Christmas PTO. Mrs. Kati shared that she will gather the info needed for these fundraisers and get back with Mr. Dalton. 

Mrs. Kati shared our Monthly PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support) data. She showed our 3 year trend and the YTD referrals by time, location, and by problem behavior. We have interventions in place for improved behaviors, relationship building with teachers, check-in check-out interventions, skills streaming interventions, and West African Therapeutic drumming. Documentation is sent home with parents to be signed so they can see how their child is doing or Remind messages sent home regularly concerning how their interventions are going.

Mrs. Kati shared that we had our bus evacuation drill prior to the bus accident and the students responded that they were proud they had the drill because they knew exactly what to do. The students made cards for the bus driver and students were asked what they needed to be able to complete their day. Their needs were met and they were able to have a good rest of their day.

Mrs. Kati shared the Doerun Elementary School website and how to navigate it. She asked what you would be looking for in our website and if anything needed to be changed or added. The school lunch menu was requested to be put on the school website. Also a link to the technology page.

Our next meeting dates were shared and the Feb 15, 2023 date will be changed to Feb. 16, 2023.

Mr. Martinez shared our plans for the Veterans day program. We sent letters home inviting veterans in our community and from students' families to participate. Local veterans will come and be recognized. He wants to get more veterans to participate in the program. He needs names and addresses so we can send invitations. The honor guard participates in the program.

Mrs. Kati made a motion to remove Kimberly Branch from the team due to missing three consecutive meetings, and the motion was passed. We will be looking to elect another member to the team.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned. 

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