6th Grade Registration Information
Questions: Contact Mrs. Kristen Harrison at kristen.harrison@colquitt.k12.ga.us
Rising 6th Grade
Connections Choice 2025-26 School Year
Registration will be open from March 17 through March 28, 2025
We are excited about the upcoming school year! This year, we are going to ask you to choose your connections classes online with your parents. Please complete the following steps. Also note that you will be asked to complete a captcha - it is case sensitive and must be typed exactly.
Step 1: Go to the Website: http://campus.colquitt.k12.ga.us
Username: (lunch number)
Password: (Google password)
Step 2: Click “More” in the bottom left corner
Step 3: Click on “Course Registration” and then “Williams Middle School 25-26”
Step 4: Click on Add Course in the bottom left hand corner
Step 5: Click the blue plus sign to add the course that you would like or type in the course number
Step 6: Select Request.
Step 7: Repeat steps 3-5 until you have selected the appropriate number of courses.
Step 8: Log out when complete. Your percentage number at the top may be low because we have not yet registered all students for academic classes.
Student will be able to type in course numbers or select plus button for EITHER
2 courses that are year-long ( band, choir, or PE)
With this choice, only 2 course numbers will be typed into the course number box.
1 course that is year-long and the Connections 9 week rotation
With this choice, 5 course numbers will be typed into the course number box.
Band (year-long course) Course Number: 53.0330000
I understand that I will be responsible for buying, renting, or otherwise securing an instrument for my child. I will make every effort to ensure that my child attends all required rehearsals and performances. I understand that band is a year-long commitment.
Choir (year-long course) Course Number: 54.0130000
I understand that I will be responsible for buying or otherwise securing the required concert attire. I will make every effort to ensure that my child attends all required rehearsals and performances. I understand that choir is a year-long commitment.
Physical Education (year-long course): 36.0070000
Connections (9 week Rotation) Course Numbers
(pick 4 from below and enter those course numbers or click the plus button)
- Agriculture A 02.0120000
- Agriculture B 02.0120001
- Family & Consumer Science 20.0110000
- Computers/Technology 35.0110000
- Visual Arts 50.0110000
- Exploratory 35.0240000
*Please understand that if you do not complete the registration process, the courses will be picked for your student. If you do not have internet access, you may fill out this form and drop off at the front desk at WJW between 8:00-3:00 by March 28th.
*If you have questions about the courses, please call WJWMS at 890-6183 and ask to speak to a registrar. The deadline to register is March 28th.
WJW Elective Courses
This year-long course offers students an opportunity to be a part of the WJW’s Band and previous musical training is not a requirement to be in this class. Although an instrument is required, the Band Program has a limited supply of instruments for students who need help purchasing an instrument. The WJW’s Band performs in two public concerts each school year.
In this year-long course, students have the opportunity to learn to read music and perform. The choir will perform for WJW’s special occasions, local businesses as well as in three major public concerts. This course is a stepping–stone to performing with more advanced ensembles at the Colquitt County Junior High and High School, where excellence in Choral Music has long been a standard.
Computer Literacy
In this nine-week course students will learn how technology affects our everyday lives and how it will change our future. Each group will explore different technological fields by using hands on, real world based activities. Computer Animation, Word Processing, Desktop Publishing, Rocket Design, and Excel are just a few of the units of instruction to be covered.
Exploring Agriculture A (Plants/ Flowers)
This nine-week course is designed to develop an understanding of and importance of Agriculture, Georgia’s largest industry. This class is designed as a Three-Circle Model of, Classroom Instruction, Future Farmers of America (FFA), and Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE). This course places emphasis on the Mechanics and Horticulture phases of the agriculture industry. Students will learn shop safety, the safe use of hand tools, basic power tools and measurement skills. The skills learned will be used to construct small individual or class projects. Students will also learn basic greenhouse management skills which will be used to raise a spring crop of annual and perennial plants. Our annual Spring Plant Sale is the result of our students’ hard work and success!
Exploring Agriculture B (Animal Science)
This nine-week course is designed to develop an understanding of the importance of Agriculture, Georgia’s largest industry. This class is designed as a Three-Circle Model of, Classroom Instruction, Future Farmers of America (FFA), and Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE). This course emphasizes animal science. The students learn about livestock and explore animal science careers. Students will learn leadership skills through classroom and laboratory activities and through their conduction of a SAE Project.
Family and Consumer Sciences
This nine-week course teaches students life skills and knowledge for real life through individual and group projects, cooking labs, and teacher demonstrations. Topics include kitchen/food safety techniques, the U.S. daily food recommendations, basic measuring practices, basic sewing skills, interior design, clothing care, childcare and career exploration.
Physical Education
Physical Education is a year-long elective course at Willie J. Williams and consists of interactive games and fitness activities. Weightlifting options are also available in this course to students who participate in school athletics and to other students who choose to participate and lift. Students are not required to dress-out but must bring tennis shoes in order to participate.
Visual Arts
This nine-week course covers the elements of art and the principles of design. Students will explore basic art media and techniques such as drawing, painting, graphic design, collage, ceramics, sculpture and more. Art criticism, aesthetics, and art history are all integral topics. Students will also have opportunities to explore careers in the arts, showcase their artwork in the community as well as compete in competitions.
This is a life skills course that is designed to help students grow socially and emotionally by developing knowledge, attitudes and soft skills necessary to thrive at home, school, future work environments and in the community. In this nine-week course, students will engage in active learning, collaborative activities that foster personal values, confidence building, communication, and decision making. In addition, it often results in the emergence of a positive school environment that’s nurturing, supportive, and safe.
Willie J. Williams Middle School Contacts
950 4th Street Southwest - Moultrie, Georgia 31768
Main Office: 229-890-6183
School Fax: 229-890-6258
Website: https://www.colquitt.k12.ga.us/schools/williams/index
All WJW Staff can be reached by dialing 229-890-6183 + Extension #
Role | Contact | Phone # | |
Prinicpal |
Josh Purvis | josh.purvis@colquitt.k12.ga.us | 229-890-6183 |
Asst. Principal | Kristen Harrison | kristen.harrison@colquitt.k12.ga.us | 229-890-6183 |
Asst. Principal | Thad Brown | thaddius.brown@colquitt.k12.ga.us | 229-890-6183 |
Asst. Principal | Ian Smith | ian.smith@colquitt.k12.ga.us | 229-890-6183 |
Reception (Attendancer) | Morgan Parker | morgan.parker@colquitt.k12.ga.us | Ext. 22011 |
7th Grade Registrar | Aisha Parsons | aisha.parsons@colquitt.k12.ga.us | Ext. 22010 |
6th Grade Registrar | Berrit Tatum | berri.tatum@colquitt.k12.ga.us | Ext. 22009 |
6th Grade Counselor | Avis Smith | avis.smith@colquitt.k12.ga.us | Ext. 22006 |
7th Grade Counselor | Brittany Hundley | brittany.hundley@colquitt.k12.ga.us | Ext. 22005 |
Counselor/504 Coordinator | Morgan Taylor | morgan.taylor@colquitt.k12.ga.us | Ext. 22007 |
Social Worker | Bethany Hendley | bethany.hendley@colquitt.k12.ga.us | Ext. 22018 |
6th Grade Nurse | Kristi Thomas | kristi.thomas@colquitt.k12.ga.us | Ext. 22015 |
7th Grade Nurse | Jennifer Bennett | jennifer.bennett@colquitt.k12.ga.us | Ext. 22155 |
SPED Coordinator | Regina Bannister | regina.bannister@colquitt.k12.ga.us | Ext. 22046 |
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