car drop-off & pick-up

morning car drop-off
There will be two morning drop off lines. Each line will begin at 7:30am. Do not drop off students before 7:30 am. They will not have supervision. Enter the 1st drop off line on 4th
street coming from the Arts Center toward the school. Enter the 2nd drop off line coming from the Diving Well toward the school on 4th street. School staff will be stationed outside to assist with each line.
afternoon car pick-up
6th Grade Pick Up
Parents will enter the pick up line on the road behind the stadium (No Name Drive) from 7th Avenue. Vehicles will drive down No Name Drive and take a left past the parking lot to enter our pick up loop. Vehicles should double line until reaching the gym. There will be cones at this location to help people know where to start the single line. When students start entering vehicles and the line starts moving, vehicles should alternate every other vehicle entering a single line from the double line.
*** Vehicles will not be able to enter the pick up line except from 7th Avenue
7th Grade Pick Up
Parents will enter the school gate down 5th street SW that runs between the recreational gym and diving/swimming pool. Vehicles will enter the gate on the right side and pull around the circle. After the student is picked up, the vehicle will exit back through the gate on the right side.
*** Any parents that have 6th AND 7th Grade students to pick up need to be picked up in the 6th Grade pick up line.
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