English Language Arts
Literature & Composition I - 23.06160
Literature & Composition I is the first course (required) in the sequence of secondary English language arts courses required for graduation. This course develops the integrated skill set that comprises the English language arts discipline to ensure that students are on track to be college and work ready. Literature & Composition I focuses on the interpretation, evaluation, construction, and design of texts across genres and modes in a variety of real-world, academic, and disciplinary contexts while sustaining and building mastery of language applications and discipline-specific practices. This course must utilize the 9-12 standards and 9th grade expectations of Georgia's K-12 English Language Arts (ELA) Standards.
Literature & Composition II - 23.06170
Literature & Composition II is the second course (required) in the sequence of secondary English language arts courses required for graduation. This course develops the integrated skill set that comprises the English language arts discipline to ensure that students are on track to be college and work ready. Literature & Composition II focuses on the interpretation, evaluation, construction, and design of texts across genres and modes in a variety of real-world, academic, and disciplinary contexts while sustaining and building mastery of language applications and discipline-specific practices. This course must utilize the 9-12 standards and 10th grade expectations of Georgia's K-12 English Language Arts (ELA) Standards.
Literature & Composition III - 23.06180
Literature & Composition III is the third course in the standard pathway of secondary English language arts courses. This course develops the integrated skill set that comprises the English language arts discipline to ensure that students are on track to be college and workplace ready. Literature & Composition III provides a platform for the wide interpretation, evaluation, construction, and design of texts across genres and modes, with an emphasis on the application of these skills in a variety of real world, academic, and disciplinary contexts. This course must utilize the 9-12 standards and 11th grade expectations of Georgia's K-12 English Language Arts (ELA) Standards.
Literature & Composition IV - 23.06190
Literature & Composition IV is the fourth course in the standard pathway of secondary English language arts course. This course develops and refines the integrated skill set that comprises the English language arts discipline to ensure that students are on track to be college and work ready, with an emphasis on the interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and application of real-world texts and communications across a wide variety of modes, genres, and disciplines. This course must utilize the 9-12 standards and 12th grade expectations of Georgia's K-12 English Language Arts (ELA) Standards.
AP ENGLISH Language and Composition/american literature – 23.05300
Requires teacher approval
This course focuses on the study of American literature and informational texts, embracing its rhetorical nature and recognizing the literature as a platform for argument. It also emphasizes a variety of writing modes and genres and the essential conventions of reading, writing, and speaking. The students will develop an understanding of how historical context in American literature affects its structure, meaning, and rhetorical stance. The course will enable students to become skilled readers of prose written in a variety of periods, disciplines, and rhetorical contexts. The students will encounter a variety of informational, literary, and non-print texts from across the curriculum and read texts in all genres and modes of discourse, as well as visual and graphic images. Instruction in language conventions and essential vocabulary will occur within the context of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The students will demonstrate an understanding of listening and for a variety of purposes. This course will focus on the consideration of subject, occasion, audience, purpose, speaker, and tone as the guide for effective writing, as well as the way generic conventions and resources of language contribute to writing effectiveness. The students will compose a variety of writing, including expository, analytical, and argumentative writings which support the academic and professional communication required by colleges; and personal and reflective writings which support the development of writing facility in any context. The students will produce responses to timed writing assignments, as well as writing that proceeds through several stages or drafts, which include opportunities for revision guided by feedback from teacher and peers. Students will analyze primary and secondary sources and develop the research skills needed to effectively synthesize these sources for their writing. An AP syllabus must be submitted and approved by the College Board. (This literature module must be taught in the 11th grade and is recommended as a designated substitute for American Literature.)
AP ENGLISH Literature and Composition – 23.06500
Requires teacher approval
The course focuses on an intensive study of representative works from various literary genres and periods. The focus is on the complexity and thorough analysis of literary works. The students will explore the social and historical values that works reflect and embody. The textual detail and historical context provide the foundation for interpretation: the experience of literature, the interpretation of literature, and the evaluation of literature. Writing to evaluate a literary work involves making and explaining judgments about its artistry and exploring its underlying social and cultural values through analysis, interpretation, and argument (e.g. expository, analytical, and argumentative essays). The writers will develop stylistic maturity: strong vocabulary, sentence variety, and effective use of rhetoric to maintain voice. An AP syllabus will be submitted and approved by the College Board.
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