
Social Studies

advanced placement government/Politics:  United States (45.05200)

Conforms to College Board topics for the Advanced Placement United States Government and Politics Examination. Covers federalism, separation of powers, influences on the formulation and adoption of the Constitution, political beliefs, political parties and elections, interest groups, institutions and policy processes and civil liberties and civil rights.  (May substitute for 45.05700.)

Advanced Placement Psychology (45.01600)

Conforms to College Board topics for the Advanced Placement Introductory Psychology Examination. Covers methods, approaches and the history of psychology as a science, biological bases of behavior, sensation and perception, states of consciousness, learning, cognition, motivation and emotion, developmental psychology, personality, testing and individual differences, abnormal psychology, treatment of psychological disorders and social psychology.  Note:  this is an academic elective, and it does not count towards core social sciences requirements.

Advanced Placement United States History (45.08200)

Conforms to College Board topics for the Advanced Placement United States History Examination. Covers discovery and settlement, Colonial Society, the American Revolution, Constitution and the New Republic, Age of Jefferson, Nationalism, Sectionalism, Territorial Expansion, Civil War, Reconstruction, Industrialization, Progressive Era, World War I, Depression, New Deal, World War II, The Cold War, through modern times.

American Government/Civics (45.05700)

An in-depth study of the American political system. This course focuses on the foundation, principles and structure of the American system of government, examines the role of political parties, social factors as they relate to the role of the citizen, and analyzes the decision-making process that are a part of the system of American political behavior. This course meets the state’s Citizenship requirement for graduation.

Economics/Business/Free Enterprise (45.06100)

An introductory course into the principles of economics.  The course includes topics related to Fundamental Economic Concepts, Microeconomics Concepts, Macroeconomics Concepts, International Economics, and Personal Finance Economics.

United States History (45.08100)

EOC Required

Examines the history of the United States beginning with the British settlement of  North America .  The course’s main focus is the development of the United States in the 20th and 21st centuries.  The course includes topics related to Colonization through the Constitution; New Republic to Reconstruction; Industrialization, Reform, and Imperialism; Establishment as a World Power; and the Modern Era.

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